While reviewing the dialectes tag I noticed something that it may be important to be cognizant of.
Wiki for [dialectes] as of 12.08.2013:
Langues spécialement utilisées par un groupe d'individus déterminé. Les dialectes appartiennent à des langues dites naturelles qui se sont formées au fil du temps. Pour une langue donnée, ils diffèrent généralement par la localisation géographique du groupe d'individus. On les considère comme des variantes d'une langue.
Translation of bolded text:
They [dialects] are considered to be variants of a language.
I think it is very good that this line is in the wiki summary but I wonder if it is enough. Here is why:
It is possible for Acadian French native speakers to become offended if the Acadian French is referred to as a dialect. Acadian French, from a social and cultural perspective, is not considered to be a dialect. It is more often referred to as a variety of French. The reasoning behind this is complex but it is rooted in historical differences between the Acadians and the French.
I have gained this understanding partly from living in regions of Eastern Canada with many Acadians and also from having discussions with a PhD student who is writing a thesis on the subject of Acadian and Shiac French.
I understand that linguistically, the Acadian dialect is indeed a dialect, but to refer to it as such may be offensive to certain users.
I want to know what the more experienced users of this site think of this issue, and if there should be any sort of measure taken to correct this.