I'm Reyedy, a 24 years old software engineer from France.
I discovered French SE 3 years ago, coming from StackOverflow and seeing that StackExchange was actually a whole network with a lot of different themes. I was very interested in it, but back then I wasn't able to participate actively.
During (almost) 3 years, I kept very quiet here, still coming regularly to see what was being discussed, what kinds of questions people could have, etc. And 2 months ago, with the whole pandemic/confinment situation (I was still working but I didn't have to use public transports anymore), I decided to use my newly acquired free-time to start participating and answering questions.
I always had a thing for French language, and it goes as far as I remember. I learned to read by myself, and since then I got stuck with books most of my life. At some point, I even tried myself in writing, but the task required too much commitment and I wasn't ready to deal with the frustration of a blank page. It humbled me and increased my respect towards writers even more. Who knows, maybe one day I'll try again!
Now, I guess I'm just an enthusiastic nerd who likes helping learners with concepts of a language he loves. French got very interesting in the last few decades, with a lot of new words coming from globalization, borrowed from other languages. I like seeing it evolve and I try to keep myself up to date.
I would like to be around for a while, so I hope I can help as many people as possible, and take pride in it!