It is sometimes difficult to choose a close reason adapted to the site's specificities. Could we try and see if we could modify the community-specific close reasons or add to them? I know this topic has already been discussed. For example:
Nouveaux motifs de clôture — New close reasons
Why haven't we rolled out custom close reasons?
but the site has evolved since they were asked and I think we could have a reset instead of reviving old questions.
A few examples:
How to ask for a pack of cigarettes (In Québec)
The first commentator gave what could have been a perfectly adapted close reason.
I am not saying that they should have asked for the question to be closed straight away since the OP was a new contributor and inviting them to visit the help centre was the proper thing to do. The close reason that came up hours after that first comment was:
"A community-specific reason → Dictionary-lookup question" which was probably the closest to what is best but it is not really appropriate because a dictionary will not give the OP the translation of this specific phrase (an online translator might). "We are not a text translation or proofreading service" does not seem appropriate either, OP is not openly asking for a translation.
To my mind something like: Please edit to add the research you have done in your efforts to answer the question (adapted from one of ELL close reasons) seems more appropriate.
What is the meaning of "polynôme m-extrémal?"
The close reason given is again: "A community-specific reason → Dictionary-lookup question" which to my mind is a nonsense because "polynôme m-extrémal" will not be found in any dictionary (unless specifically dedicated to maths). And we are not sure if the OP wanted to know what polynôme m-extrémal is in English or if they wanted someone to explain what a polynôme m-extrémal is. Since only one close reason appears we could have escaped the problem if the first person who asked for the question to be closed had chosen "Other - add a comment" and everyone had followed but now if the question is closed the reason will appear as "Dictionary-lookup".
Help me to find lyrics "Couleur Amour" by Jaïa Rose
I gave a close reason under "Other - add a comment", but OP has now deleted the question, but this brings back the problem of asking for resources which is not always appropriate to the site in as much as it does not "discuss the finer points of the French language".
The question of resources has been raised before but it did not get much response. Maybe we could have another go at it and decide if we want to add requests for resources as a community-specific close reason.
We get quite a number of questions asking for resources that are not specific to French and that would really benefit to be redirected to LL, e.g. Drilling tools for active mastery?,
Learning to read French for fluent speakers or How to improve conversational French when I live in an area without French speakers?. So I am wondering if a direct link to LL could be included is the community-specific close reasons, something like Consider if your question suits our Language Learning site (slighly adapted from a ELU close reason).