Stack Exchange prides itself in having high quality content, therefore "making the Internet a better place." It's why I take issue with the answers to this question: Comment perdre l'accent québécois?
Most of the answers are atrocious. A large number don't try to answer the question, at all, and are what we, on Skeptics, call pseudo-answers. Simply put, comments belong in the comment section. If the answer is, "How can I lose my regional accent?" then the answers should focus ways for one to lose his regional accent. An answer that doesn't do that is only seeming to answer the question, but doesn't answer it.
If you disagree with the premise of the question and want to share your disagreement with the rest of the world, do so in the comment section. The answer section is for actual answers.
Many of the question's answers should be either heavily downvoted or even deleted by moderators.